Skutki pandemii: sny, Gallery Heart of Man, Warsaw, 1.10–18.10.2020
The upcoming change caused by the pandemic first manifested itself in dreams. At the beginning of psychology, Freud assumed that it is necessary to turn to dreams - to bring them out of the unconscious sphere in order to expose their desires, desires and fears. Today, many psychologists claim that such an attitude is wrong, and that what is instinctive allows us to live smoothly. Our mind is a cosmos in which too much concentration, too much exposure of certain components, manipulation of the unconscious makes us lose ourselves.
Capitalism has always used human problems as a tool to exploit social groups. It has pointed them out, conceptualized or created new ones. Through over-interpretation, he appropriated the unconscious zone for these purposes. As a result, our subconscious ceased to be pure, free. The pandemic as a time when many everyday phenomena forced by work were changed or pushed aside, revealed this state through dreams.
For art, pure unconsciousness is a natural matter of action, which the exhibition "The Effects of Pandemic: Dreams" wants to selflessly reveal.Artists: Michalina Chłodzińska, Milena Soporowska, Martyna Bolanowska, Adam Kozicki, Kamil Pierwszy, Iwo Panasiewicz, Katarzyna Olma, Paweł Olszewski, Aleksandra Liput, Jan Jurczak, Yui Akiyama, Planeta, Jan Porczyński, Zuza Piekoszewska, Joanna Krajewska, Øleg&Kaśka, Oskar Pawełko, Jan Możdżyński, Weronika Wysocka, Kaja Rata, Agnieszka Antkowiak, Laura Ociepa, Zofia Pałucha, Marceli Adamczyk, Matejko Michał, Mateusz Wójcik, Jakub Gliński, TissueHunter, Katarzyna Balicka, Wojtek Skrzypczyński, Jan Eustachy Wolski, Paweł Żukowski, Magdalena Lazar, Wiktoria Walendzik, Marta Niedbał, Aleksandra Kompała, Joanna Woś, Antonina Widt, Agnieszka Mastalerz, Konrad Żukowski, Maciej Nowacki, Grzegorz Demczuk; Curator: KAMIL
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Sen tropikalnego słońca. Witkacy i Zakopane, Tatra Muzeum, Zakopane, 10.09–06.12.2020
The starting point of the exhibition "The Dream of the Tropical Sun. Witkacy i Zakopane" is the artist's expedition to the tropics from 1914, but also the alleged and jungle-like aura of prehistoric Zakopane. The image of the Zakopane Ceylon, which Witkacy described in terms of sleep, is shown against the background of the intellectual and artistic atmosphere of pre-war Poland, at the same time referring it to the local context, the art of the communist era and contemporary art.Artists: Marceli Adamczyk, Paweł Althamer, Przemek Branas, Maria Bujakowa i Tadeusz Brzozowski, Henryk Burzec, Ewa Ciepielewska, Wacław Czubernat, Wanda i Wiktoria Gentil-Tippenhauer, Krzysztof Gil, Justyna Górowska, Wiktor Gutt i Waldemar Raniszewski, Władysław Hasior, Irenka Kalicka, Antoni Kenar, Eustachy Kossakowski, Joanna Malinowska i C.T. Jasper, Grzegorz Pecuch, Agnieszka Polska, Katarzyna Przezwańska, Zofia Rydet, Józef Różyski, Antoni Rząsa, Kazimierz Sichulski, Janek Simon, Zofia Stryjeńska, Edward Sutor, Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz, Stanisław Witkiewicz, August Zamoyski; Curator: Ania Batko
UPALNE LATO, NANAZENIT Gallery, Warsaw, 4.09–28.09.2020
The world has taken a negative form, it does not give a sense of security. This summer we came to the awareness of the end and nothingness. The state of melancholy seems inevitable. In order to survive, we must remember how to distance ourselves and laugh. Again we are looking for a return to the original community with nature. We need art that will carry us, let us forget for a moment. A "hot summer" is a mixture of melancholy and hope and vitality. The richness of forms and colors allows us to enter a world that is not governed by any laws. Freedom and freedom. Unsatisfied need for creation and creation. Let's allow ourselves a bit of fairy-tale at the end of the summer, which may turn out to be more real than what's outside.Artist: Marceli Adamczyk; Curatorial text: Eleonora Bojanowska
PROMOCJA, Promocyjna gallery, Warsaw, 10.07–29.08.2020
What is the title promotion? On the one hand, it refers to the name of the gallery. Its originator, Jacek Werbanowski, wanted to support the youngest generation of artists. We are also following this path. On the other hand, it is the art of young people that is in constant "promotion", mostly sold for nothing and the artists themselves are employed on junk contracts. Thirdly, promotion can also be understood as a form of promotion in the artistic world.
The artists on "Promotion" create paintings, installations, photographs, sculptures and video art. Thanks to various media they quickly react to what is happening around them. They dance, they are fascinated with fetishes and sexuality, they create totemic vessels and objects, they use their own bodies as a manifesto, they transform the digital world into analog ones, they paint surrealistic pictures, but also simply create aesthetic art. Each of them is here and now, each describes the world in their own way.Curator: Marceli Adamczyk; Artists: Planeta, Aleksandra Liput, Wiktoria Walendzik, Zuza Piekoszewska, Martyna Hadyńska, Marcjanna, Sofia Estrada-Osmycka, Karolina Jarzębak, Julia Taszycka, Sylwia Walczowska, Kamil #2, Oskar Dąbrowski, Maciej Nowacki, Julia Kafizova, Bohdan Mucha; Visual identification: Włodi Włodarczyk
Exhibition of the 13TH Geppert Competition, BWA Wrocław Główny, 20.05–30.08.2020
The Geppert Competition is a cyclical review of best debuts on the Polish painting scene. It has a closed format< in Which the participating artists are entered by recommendation of a number of invited experts. Artists: Yui Akiyama, Lena Achtelik, Marceli Adamczyk, Martyna Baranowicz, Paweł Baśnik, Kacper Będkowski, Aleksander Błaszkiewicz, Martyna Czech, Jagoda Dobecka, Róża Duda i Michał Soja, Marcin Janusz, Martyna Kielesińska, Anna Kołacka, Vojtech Kovarik, Mikołaj Kowalski, Edyta Kowalewska, Alicja Kubicka, Agnieszka Kucharska, Maciej Kusy, Jan Możdżyński, Maciej Nowacki, Małgorzata Pawlak, Zofia Pałucha, Mateusz Piestrak, Krzysztof Piętka, Kinga Popiela, Szymon Popielec, Maryna Sakowska, Mikołaj Szpaczyński, Katarzyna SzymkiewiczCurators: Alicja Klimczak-Dobrzaniecka, Anna KołodziejczykJury: Iwona Bigos, Maria Poprzęcka, Kamil Kuskowski, Zdzisław Nitka, Bogusław Deptuła
A dream within a dream, Garden central Warsaw, 23.05–24.05.2020
Take this kiss upon the brow!And, in parting from you now,Thus much let me avow —You are not wrong, who deemThat my days have been a dream;Yet if hope has flown awayIn a night, or in a day,In a vision, or in none,Is it therefore the less gone?All that we see or seemIs but a dream within a dream
/a fragment of a poem by Edgar Allan Poe “A Dream Within a Dream”/Artist: Marceli Adamczyk, Jan Eustachy Wolski, Marta Niedbał, Aleksandra Liput, Øleg&Kaśka, Karolina Jarzębak; Curators: Dzidy (Michalina Sablik & Aleksandra Liput)
vALL 22, V9 Gallery, Warsaw, 31.01–2.02.2020
vALL is an outdoor gallery curated by the V9 collective.
Artists are offered three panels 2.4 m x 1.5 m on the front wall of the ADA building at 37 Puławska Street. In addition, each artist prepares a graphic triptych for us, which we print using the screen printing technique.
The vALL cycle started in April 2017.Artist: Marceli Adamczyk; Curator: V9 collectiv
Solar Panels, Galeria Śmierć Człowieka, Warsaw, 31.01–2.02.2020
Solar panels convert solar energy into electricity. I noticed here a certain analogy to what I do and what I expect from a work of art. Drawing on my own imagination I do create energetically charged paintings and fabrics - components of this exhibition. I want to talk about what you see as general as possible.
Important for me is a completely unfettered perception so that everyone can process what they see through their own experiences and moods.Therefore, you will not find captions with titles, great narratives following each subsequent image and such unnecessary (in my opinion) things.
The SOLAR PANELS slogan through its loose association with energy processing is to lead the recipient (you) to more than narrative way (nature) of perception.Artist: Marceli Adamczyk; Curator: Kamil #2
Polska naszych marzeń, Warsaw, 23–25.05.2019
We dream about Poland where nothing is impossible to accomplish. Where everyone will finally be able to always think and say that WE CAN. And we firmly beileve that such Poland will come. Poland, and Polish people deserve more. Their dreams can come true; They MUST come true. Poland of our dreams is possible and achievable. Polish people have the right to dream, and we will cherish and safeguard this right.
What does the Leader dream of? What does ‘Adrian, currently in a relationship’ – the subject of Michal Sosinski’s work – fantasise about? Are some people’s dreams privileged over those of others? Can collective dreams even exist at all? Can dreams be imposed or enforced? Borrowed or learned? What should we dream about in the context of today’s overwhelming uncertainties? Are naïve dreams of a colorful, socially emancipated, prude-free society by default politicised? And are we actually certain that we really want all our deepest dreams and wishes to materialise?
We set out to explore these issues with through ‘Dreamer’ – a painting by Marcin Kalinski. Formerly a photographer, on one occasion he asked the de-facto political leader of Poland and author of “Poland of our Dreams” to briefly shut his eyes for one shot. This minute act has instantly transformed the all-powerful statesman into a vulnerable, detached, and seemingly genuinely dreamy human being.Artists: Marceli Adamczyk, Øleg Kaśka, Małgorzata Goliszewska, Marcin Kalinski, Iza Koczanowska, Aleksandra Liput, Grzegorz Łoznikow, Anna Raczyńska, Michal Sosinski; Curators: Michalina Sablik, Aleksandra Liput
Ognisko Domowe, Galeria Śmierć Człowieka, Warsaw, 22.02–17.03.2019
Let's meet in atmosphere of mutual trust. Let's warm up our thoughts and hearts. Let's sir up conversations and get closer to each other. Breathe deeply. The fire needs air! They blur the borders, shift the centre of gravity. They appear for the first time together at this exhibition. There will be Marta carpets and Marceli's sculptures, art not only for looking at but also for touching.Authors: Marta Niedbał, Marceli Adamczyk; Curator: Kamil #2